TIP Technology

      TIP was founded in 2009, mainly focus on R&D, manufacturing and sales of automotive parts and assembly of high polymer fluid hose sysytem and sealing system, The company is a national high technology company with three production bases located in Shanghai and Ninghai, Zhejiang Province. The main customers of the company are NCIC, Dongfeng Nissan, KKC, JMC, POAI, IT etc. Besides, The company's customers also including many famous engineering machinary manufacturer like Kubota etc.             


Ningbo TIP Rubber Technology Co., Ltd ( IPO Main Part).

Ningbo TIP

A.  Ningbo TIP Rubber Technology Co., Ltd ( IPO Main Part).       


    The plant is located in Xinxing Industrial Zone of Ninghai County. its main products is automotive coolant hose system and rubber parts etc.


Ningbo TIJ Automotive Parts Co., Ltd

Ningbo TIJ

A.  Ningbo TIJ Automotive Parts Co., Ltd

       The plant is located in Binhai New Zone of southern Ningbo, mainly producing water hose and turbo charge hose.


B.  Ningbo TIP New Material Technology Co., Ltd

      The plant is located in Binhai New Zone of southern Ningbo, it is a rubber mixing plant with annual capacity of 50,000 tons of rubber compound.



Shanghai TIP Automotive Parts Co., Ltd

Shanghai TIP

A.  Shanghai TIP Automotive Parts Co., Ltd       

 ;     The plant is located in Jinshan Industry Zone of Shanghai, main products are hose assembly, fuel hose, power steering return hose.

B.  Tokai TIP Automotive Parts (Shanghai) Co., Ltd        

      The plant is located in Jinshan Industry Zone of Shanghai. main products are coolant hose, A/C hose, powertrain system coolant hose.


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