TIP Co., Ltd by shares

TIP,established in 2009, is mainly foucus on the R&D, production and sales of automotive high polymers fluid pipeline systems and sealing system parts and assemblies. It is a national high-technology enterprise with three production bases in Shanghai and Ninghai,Zhejiang. The company's main customers are NCIC, Dongfeng Nissan, KKC, JMC, POAI, TI, etc. In addition, the company's customers also including internationally renowned Engineering machinery manufacturers such as Kubota etc.

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Talent Development PrincipleTalent development

    • Talent training and development are based on corporate strategy and organizational development needs.

    • Forming a differentiated training management system for different talent groups.

    • Optimizing the structure of the talent team and maintain the passion and vitality of the organization.

    • Continuously developing the matching degree between talents, positions and teams.

    • Give rotation, cross-functional, cross-industry experience opportunities to potential employees and key positions employees.



We expect talented people to join and are willing to provide them with continuously optimized and competitive compensation and benefits.


Salary and performance

- Annual basic salary

- Quarterly and annual performance pay (determined based on the results of the quarterly or annual assessment)

Your salary is mainly determined by the following factors, including: company performance, department performance, personal performance, etc., and the company's key projects will provide project special awards.


Insurance, employee care and other benefits

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